Writing that reports information to others requires students to possess the necessary content and they can therefore apply these content and the skills acquired to organise and convey information. It helps to increase students’ ability to read and comprehend informative or expository text and also to organise, sequence, record and report knowledge and experiences from reading a particular text.
Cooperative learning strategy that enables each student of a “home” group to specialise in one aspect of a learning unit. They then meet with members from the other groups who are assigned the same aspect, master the material and return to their groups to teach the new materials to the other members. Each piece of information therefore becomes crucial to completing the entire puzzle and getting the big picture, in this case the entire text. Each student thus pay a vital role in mastering the content and this facilitates learning and mastering of the text.
Focused Imaging
The process of internally visualising an object or event, enabling students to relax and allow their imaginations to take them on a journey to experience the situation first hand and respond to the mental images formed. In the classroom, students can visualise a particular scene or event and then imagine what might happen next. This provides an opportunity for an open-minded exploration of new concept and broadens students conceptual understanding of even the most complex concepts and processes. Imaging also allows students to connect their prior experiences to new ideas.
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