With the mid year examinations approaching, and the fact that my classes are very weak in language and writing, I wanted to prepare my classes for the components that they would be tested on. Therefore, I decided to structure a lesson around an unseen poem, teaching them a way to write an essay about it. This will hopefully teach them the skills needed to write an essay regarding an unseen poetry text.
However, I did not want to put them off the topic with the knowledge that they are going to have to write copious amounts of words (to them), therefore I broke down the points the question requires them to answer, and assigned groups of 3-4 to write down the paragraph in the PEE format. They had to look at the poem and come up with the point, evidence and explanation/ elaboration on their own. After which, the groups presented their answers, explaining their answer and the process of coming up with it, to the class.
Subsequent lessons, which has yet to be conducted, would include me putting the points the students come up with together, and analyse the newly put together essay with the students. Through this, the students will be exposed to the methods and skills used in writing a comprehensive essay of an unseen poetry text. They will also have a better understanding of what makes a good or bad essay.