Wednesday, February 29, 2012

TP Blog Entry 1

Qn: Describe how Literature is being taught in the school you are posted to for Teaching Practice.

At Hougang Secondary, the teachers do not really use a textbook for Lower Sec Literature. Students were introduced to poetry from the beginning of Term 1, and the materials have largely been individually sourced. They will be reading "Little Ironies" by Catherine Lim for Term 2. However, part of Term 2 will be used for poetry revision and mid-year exams, so the teachers have essentially only about 5 weeks to cover "Little Ironies". As such, we will most likely be focusing on only 3 stories and analysing them in terms of characterisation and the use of irony.

Even though the curriculum appears to be arranged according to a genre-based approach (poetry followed by prose), the genres are actually quite mixed as drama components are frequently infused into the lessons. This is because the students tend to be quite active and expressive, so drama components have been included to allow them to speak and move around during lessons. It also helps to pull their grades up as they tend to score better when they are graded for their skits, as opposed to their performance in their written work.

Shu Yan

1 comment:

  1. I presume there is no Upper Sec Lit? " It also helps to pull their grades up as they tend to score better when they are graded for their skits, as opposed to their performance in their written work." - Is this 'ethical'?
